Well, our average high right now should be around 53 degrees, but I look out the window and what do I see?
A great big blizzard staring back at me! So much for early morning runs and Easter egg hunts outside. Maybe by next weekend our weather will improve. My camera isn't good enough to do the storm justice, but many of you will be experiencing this same storm in a day or so, so you'll see what I mean.
Yeah, this lovely storm is the reason I am not going to my mission reunion. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get back to Laramie. Looks fun, though!
So fun! We haven't had snow, but we've had a lot of rain. It was finally sunny today! Here's to hoping your spring weather comes soon.
This storm has us stuck in Wyoming at Nick's parents.' At least we get to be with some of our favorite people.
Crazy! We haven't seen it yet! :)
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