Sunday, March 29, 2009

Summer PJ's

Apparently I'm not the only one wishing for spring here. Carson was so insistent that he should wear his summer pj's that Mike finally had to compromise with the kid to get him to put on warm ones. Here's how he looked once he was all dressed:
At least he'll be warm tonight!
Here are some pics of the kids helping Mommy with her chores.


Dean said...

Yeah, Carson's not the only one ready for spring/summer! It's snowing here again, which I do not quite approve of!

Jason and Amanda said...

How funny! At least he will compromise. Way to teach them how to work! Logan mopped the entryway for me the other day.

Amy said...

You've got it right, start them early with the chores! Cute pictures.

Jadi said...

I am so ready for warm weather. Maryland winters are cold! Your kids are getting so big! They are adorable.

LindsC said...

You guys have been having fun! I love the room. and Cloe is doing the same thing with her PJ's :) that's funny, we just let her wear them and she has like five extra blankets on her bed. :)