My sister-in-law is expecting twins, and she was asking me about double strollers. I figured my opinion wouldn't be worth as much as the opinion of several moms, so I'm setting up a poll. Leave a comment with your opinion of the best stroller. What are the pros and cons of a double stroller? Are double strollers too bulky? Any favorite or least favorite brands? What about the ones that can be used with
car seats? Let me know, and I'll pass along the info. Thanks for the help!
If she can get to Utah she can have mine!! I don't like the double wides because you can't get through doors. I have the long one and it seemed to do the work, but now I am off to buy a single!
Last fall I bought an InStep Safari double jogging stroller off of Amazon. For going on jogs with the kids, it was great. It's the only reason I was able to lose 15 pounds. It is a bit wide and is a bit of a pain to shop with. I mostly just use it outdoors. But it's so easy to turn and it even fits in the trunk of my GrandAm and Malibu. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
The only place we used a double stroller was @ Disneyworld. Other than that, Peter had to walk! I'm also not a fan of the carseat strollers -- too many opportunities to break stuff!
We have one of the long ones that the car seats will fit on. I think that while they are still in car seats, it is great. However, it is kinda bulky, but I don't know what double stroller isn't. It doesn't work real well in places that are really crowded and is kinda a pain to get in the ailes of the stores at the mall cause it is so long.
I have a graco double stroller not side by side but one seat in front of the other. I love it. It folds up really pretty nicely for a double(it's Worth the extra bulk it to have the extra seat.) it's espeacially good for shopping and malls because the side by sides get stuck and are hard to manuvour. I also use mine for walks on paved roads and it works really nice for that too!
I never had a double, but I really liked being able to put the car seat on the stroller!! That was great to have! I didn't have it will Lylli because I couldn't afford it and life was just so much simpler when I did have it! Tell Becky, Good luck and congrats for me! That's exciting!
Paul and I had a double one for Mel and Sam and loved it! We couldn't imagine having twins without one.
Paul and I had a double one for Mel and Sam and loved it! We couldn't imagine having twins without one.
Thanks for all of your great comments! It's nice to hear what other people think about strollers!
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