Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm the New Gluten Taste Tester

I made Natalie's Easter dress this year, and it was pretty cute. Carson got an organge shirt, which he loved! It's a good thing I got this picture before church, because Carson threw up when we got to church and had to come home to change. I guess with all the unmonitered candy he got from the egg hunt in the park, he got some gluten in his system on Saturday. I felt pretty bad about it. I'll have to be more careful next time. Now Carson makes me try EVERYTHING before he'll eat it, so I can make sure it doesn't have any gluten in it!


Dean said...

What a rough life: taste testing ALL the candy that comes through your house! I am sure glad I don't have that problem.

Amy said...

Great job on her dress it is really cute. The orange shirt is cute too!

Pid and Connie said...

What a CUTE dress, great job! Isn't it crazy how much stuff has gluten in it? You really have to watch everything, even unexpected foods. Your kids are so cute!

Jamie said...

Hey- do you wanna make my girls some dresses! Great job.

Rachel Harlin said...

That's awful! But the kids are cute!!! Great job on the dress.

LindsC said...

Good Job on the dress! They look too cute!