Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Day

Okay, these are from Christmas Morning. Carson got a Monster Truck Jeep with a remote control from Santa, and Mack Truck from mom and dad, and he was so excited! Natalie got a little people doll house (somehow we didn't get a picture of that one) from Santa, and a new xylophone from mom and dad. She was pretty happy about her new toys, too.

All in all, it was a great Christmas. The kids got more toys and candy than they need, as did Mike and I. We really enjoyed our first Christmas in our own home, and we're looking forward to doing it that way many more times. What a joy!

1 comment:

Family of Five said...

We loved christmas at our house too w/ just our five! We decided from now on we're going to not travel until the day after x-mas so we can just enjoy the whole day as a family! So much fun!