Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day to Day Pictures

Mike and the kids on the rocking horse he made in high school

Carson and Nattie ready for church

Natalie so cute in her little dress and ponytails

Carson in his new Sunday shoes

Natalie loves spaghetti-her face had an orange glow all night


Jason and Amanda said...

Cute kidos! I bet Natalie needed a bath after that meal! Good luck with the choir I am glad it is going good for you.

Rachel Harlin said...

Cute, cute, cute!!! But I can't believe Natalie is standing BY HERSELF!!!!! Oh, my goodness, how time flie!!! I love the rocking horse, by the way.

Lisa Burbidge said...

Sounds like choir is going to be wonderful!! The kiddos look so adorable.

LindsC said...

I love the spaghetti pick. And I completely understand about the orange glow. :) and her pink dress, so beautiful!