Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Reason for Not Blogging Much this Summer

I have heard a lot of comments on my lack of dedication to my blog page. Let me assure you that it was a temporary thing and now I am hoping to be able to blog on a more regular basis, instead of once every 5 or 6 weeks. In my defense, I am posting these pictures as proof that we have been very busy lately with our yard. We have done all the work, and we are so pleased with the way it is turning out. We have been raking rocks, digging trenches, burying pipe, laying sod, laying brick borders, and planting things! These first two pictures were taken on the day we signed for the house.

And here are the pictures of our new yard!

As you can see, we still have a lot more to do, but maybe we'll call it good for this summer...I'm getting tired of raking rocks. :)


Lauren said...

Your yard looks great! I love the green grass!

LindsC said...

wow, it does look like you've been busy! Good job! I love it! I was having flashbacks of when we used to play with rolly polly's in your backyard and in the playhouse. Those were good times! :) Oh and your kids are getting big, so cute! Glad to here you'll be blogging more, I love to see how you all are doing! :)

Rachel Harlin said...

Ir looks great! I'm sure it's nice to have grass for the kids to play on!

Trish said...

You guys have been busy. It looks great! We will be moving next May. It's nice to know this far in advance though--it makes getting through this year a little easier. :o)

Jadi said...

It looks like you guys have been really busy! Your yard looks great. I am sure your kids are going to love playing in it. I am happy to hear you will be blogging more often. :)

Amy said...

If people are giving you a hard time about not blogging, then they've given up on me all together. You've posted way more often than I have! The yard looks great and I envy your willingness to do yard work. I hate yard work! I'm so glad Uncle Nate likes it more than I do, which isn't much but enough that I don't have to do it! I enjoyed catching up on what you have been doing!