Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baby Blessing

Things have been busy here lately, and I realized the other day that I haven't blogged in a while. Luckily I've been too busy to remember to get out the camera, so this shouldn't take too long to do. Mostly, these are pictures from Parker's blessing. Sorry to everyone else who came. I forgot to get out the camera after everybody arrived.
Here's Parker, 5 1/2 weeks old:

Here are my folks with the kids:
Natalie and Parker:
Carson and Parker:
Mike and Parker:
Our family:
Mike, me, and Parker:
And this is one I took of the kids a week or two before that. They just happened to all have matching shirts, courtesy of their grandma, so I decided to get a picture:

We also got to go to the first UW football game over labor day, but I forgot to take pics. If I ever get any from my brother or my mom I'll post them. And the kids have started gymnastics, so hopefully I'll remember to bring a camera soon and get pics of that as well.


Jason and Amanda said...

He looks very handsome! Cute Kiddos!

Dean said...

I like the kids in their orange shirts. :)

Rachel Harlin said...

The kids are cute in their matching shirts!!! And Parker looks so handsome in his white clothes. Call me crazy, but in those pictures Parker reminded me of Grandpa Lorimer. Such beautiful kids!

Lisa Burbidge said...

You all look so cute. I love the film of the kiddos in Gym that was so cute! Hope all is well.