Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The kids have had a big week for bikes. Natalie has been doing so well potty training lately, that her daddy promised her she could get her own bike. She's doing well with it so far, though she needs to work on braking. As for Carson, he decided he wanted to learn to ride without training wheels, and within 20 minutes or less, he was a pro. He's doing even better now, a couple of days later, and we're so proud of him. I know his seat needs raised, but he's still working on his confidence, so I figure we'll give him a few more weeks before we raise the seat.


Jadi said...

I need to get my kids out on their bikes again. Kaden still has training wheels. :) Isn't that sad?

Family of Five said...

Wow! Big kids! Fun!

Rachel Harlin said...

Yay, Carson!

Bev said...

Great job Carson & Natalie! I can't wait to see you ride them when I come visit!