Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Taking Guesses

My next ultrasound is next Friday, and with a little luck we'll be able to determine the gender of our new little Gibbs. So if you want to take a guess, now would be a good time. There's only one, so it's either a boy, a girl, or (as Natalie constantly tells me) a Cinderella. What do you think?


Amy said...

I'm with Natalie, I'm guessing a girl. I'm really bad at this though.

LindsC said...

I'm guessing girl too, just from my own experience, I was better off to guess girls.

Jason and Amanda said...

Well I think it might be a girl but I am really hoping for a boy!! We need more little boys in the family. Let us know what you find out. :)

The High Family- said...

I'm guessing boy! Mainly cuz that's all I know.