Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Fun

Happy Easter!

We had a fun Easter. The Easter Bunny came to our house on Saturday morning, and Carson was happy to see plenty of candy, and a brand new Mater figure for his collection of cars. Then we went to an Easter Egg hunt at the library. What a good time! Saturday night we decorated eggs. My cousin Stephanie came to visit us for the weekend, and Carson enjoyed having someone to play with. We'll all miss her this week. It was nice to have some company.

The kids in their new Easter outfits

So Cute!

Natalie is getting so big so fast! She is a very content and easy baby, always smiling and laughing. And of course, all that hair is just so much fun to fix.

Getting chubbier every day!

This is Natalie after she's had a ponytail all day!

Carson the Artist

Carson has lately taken up a new hobby: painting. He decided if Daddy can do it, so can he. I bought him a bunch of ceramic figures, and boy does he have a good time. He uses a lot of colors and a lot of paint! He loves doing it, and he's not finished until every last inch is painted.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Here is Carson with his friend Emma. She came over to play tonight, and he was very sweet. He insisted on sharing everything with her. I think he is feeling more generous lately since he has a younger sibling of his own to practice with.
Carson recently decided to share his blankets and his pillow with his sister. So he made a bed for her in the living room.

Potty Training

We are in the process of potty training Carson. Needless to say, he loves to wear his big boy underwear, even if it is on his head! Oh, and he likes to try on Mom's shoes.


Carson loves to build with his blocks, and he is surprisingly good at getting them to stack up really high. This particular one is a "truck."